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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Adorable Animals Blog Hop Winners

A giant thank you to everyone who somehow participated in the Adorable Animals Blog Hop. There were so many new people joining along to comment- I know it was such a day brightener to those who created things for the hop. One of the biggest compliments a blogger can receive: lots of comments on a post.

If you've been wanting to join in a blog hop, we posted the details of the March one earlier this morning. With such a fun and easy theme, I wouldn't be surprised if this hop filled to capacity. Hurry and get your sign-ups emailed right away! 

Here are the three winners of the most recent blog hop: 

If you are one of the winners, please contact us at Winners have one week to claim their $20 DeNami Design gift certificate!

I will talk to many of you on the DeNami Facebook page later today. Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Emily Keaton said...

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Lisa Elton said...

Congrats ladies and happy shopping ;)

Hedgehog Reader said...

I am so happy for all of the winners, and especially delighted for Renee since she won for her comment on my blog! Hooray! :o)

Lynn said...

Congrats to all the winners and thanks for letting me play along!

~Tammy~ said...

Congrats ladies!


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