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Friday, September 20, 2013

Back to School 3D Project Tutorial by Dana

Happy Friday! 

Do you have a crafty friend who always knocks your socks off with their creativity? One of these people for me is our very own Dana Seymour. This girl never ceases to amaze with her unique projects and cards! Today is no exception.....

A few months back, Dana mentioned she wanted to do a 3D project with a back to school theme. I was on board with this concept immediately. Anything with the word 3D in it is pretty much a give in around here and add the fact that Dana was creating it, I knew it would be amazing. As soon as I saw the tutorial, I have to admit there was squeals of glee and delight. 

Ready for the tutorial? Go on and grab something warm to drink as we enjoy what Dana has prepared.

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If you decide to give this tutorial a try, I would LOVE to see it! Feel free to post your picture on the DeNami Facebook page, the DeNami Flickr group or upload it to a Splitcoast Stampers gallery. 

This weekend, our Authorized Dealer, The Stamp Doctor, will be in Milwaukee, WI for the Rubber Stamp Events show. They have a lovely assortment of DeNami stamps and since we personally won't be at this show, this is a great way to snag some of the stamps on your wish list. Be sure to visit their booth!
Thanks for spending some time with us. Have a great weekend!


Lisa Elton said...

Dana you ROCK!!! Paulina was right, you have blown me away! These are THE cutest little creations, love the papers you chose too!

Stacy said...

Okay that is such an adorable project!! Great work!

Dorina D said...

This is adorable and so clever. Great tutorial, so clear and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing.

Candy Spiegel said...

This is so cute!

Unknown said...

O. M. G.
Dana!!! You made little raisin box backpacks! LOL AWESOME!!!!!


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