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Saturday, July 4, 2015

Sneak Peek Week- Day 2 Air Mail and Facebook Giveaway!

 Day 2 of Sneak Peek Week and Facebook Giveaway!

Time for another Facebook giveaway! Click the pic to go and enter.

Hi Friends,

Thanks for joining us for Day 2 of this fun week! We kicked off the week with a giveaway on yesterday's blogpost. If you haven't already, you can enter here.

Today's sneak peek features our Air Mail collection. For the first time, we are offering mini clear stamp sets. This is the first of we are showcasing this week. We are premiering 6 new mini clear stamp sets this season. They are adorable and are complete in itself, but can also be used with your favorite DeNami stamps.

Our first project is Valerie's adorable shaker card. She posts the details here.


Here are some envelopes I made. These are teeny tiny. They measure 2.5x2 inches. Aren't they adorable? If you scroll below, you will find the measurements I used.

These are mini cards I inserted in them. You can give these as is or attach them to a larger card for a little surprise on the card itself.

I made this little template and used this as my pattern for all the mini envelopes shown above. This can be used for gift tags, too. 

Once you make this template, you can use it over and over again. It is simple! DeNami's white cardstock is perfect for making these sturdy little envelopes. They fold nicely without needed a bone folder, plus they also make great cards and layers with. They are nice and bright white. We haven't found any others we like as much. You can find them here.

Here's a fun little card I made and attached it to an A2 sized card.

I stamped the little cloud using Majestic Blue Versafine ink pad.

I used Tombow markers to add color to the stamped images.

Don't forget to come back tomorrow for Day 3 of Sneak Peek Week. We will have another giveaway and lots more adorable cards!!



Sue D said...

Very cute shaker card design and mini envelope set.
I am not on Facebook :(

Migdalia said...

They are very pretty!
Have a wonderful day,
Crafting With Creative M

ValByDesign, Valerie said...

Oh those envelopes are WAAAAYYY TOOOO ADORABLE!!! You totally have my wheels turning now! Such a cute stamp set!

Lisa Petrella said...

I love this new mini stamp set! SO ADORABLE!! And your sample projects are super sweet!

Karen McAlpine said...

Another super cute new release. Thanks for the inspiration!

Kimberly said...

Love the mail stamps! Perfect for sending items in the mail. Also love the envelope you created! Super cute!

Denise Bryant said...

Love this cute mini stamp set! Your shaker card and tiny envelopes are adorable!

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

cute card!

Lynn Fletcher said...

Love this stamp set. Sooo cute!

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Very cute

Stacy said...

I love this stamp set ~ adorable!!!

SugarGem said...

Lovee Lovee Lovee

Suzi said...

These are too cute for words!

cghundley said...

These are too cute!
Great designs with
the little notes.
Carla from Utah

SHartl said...

I am just nuts about Valerie's adorable shaker card!

Dorina D said...

How fun and a great tutorial. Thanks for sharing.


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