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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pin-spired #4

Good morning!

With Easter coming up soon, we have a few more Easter inspired cards to share with you. I for one love all of the pretty pastels and the bunny images everywhere- I'm going to miss seeing those when the holiday is over!

Just like all of our other Pin-spired posts, I have some of the DT joining to share their interpretation of this photo. They all pulled different things from the photo, which makes this feature SO much fun. I cannot tell you how giddy I get when I see the cards & projects they've created for these posts- it's like Christmas twice a month!

When I was browsing pictures last year for the Pin-spired feature, I knew this had to be one of the pictures I chose. How could I resist all of that pretty candy and that adorable Easter grass and bunny?!
Emily Keaton
 For a list of the supplies used on this card and details, visit Emily's blog

 Tammy Hobbs
 For a list of the supplies used on this card and details, visit Tammy's blog

  Kanani Kawamura
 For a list of the supplies used on this card and details, visit Kanani's blog

Lisa Elton 
 For a list of the supplies used on this card and details, visit Lisa's blog

If you would like to take a look at all of the Pin-spired photos thus far, I've posted them on a Pinterest board. As the weeks go by, this board will be full of inspiring photos that could cure any bout of missing creativity. We have lots of great things in store for you and I hope you'll continue to make the DeNami blog a daily visit. 


Just a reminder, if you haven't already, be sure to stop by Dana's blog for her gift certificate giveaway and Lisa's blog for her jar of buttons giveaway. Imagine the fun you'll have if you won either of these! 

I hope you have a terrific rest of your Wednesday. Thanks for stopping by!  


Tina M said...

Awe, these are all darling! I too am going to miss all the sweet Easter cards, but we have some yummy spring floral cards to look forward too. Just head over heels with your pinterest picture!

Lisa Elton said...

Great job girls, love the spring inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Estas mquinas son relativamente baratos, y son niveles
de la hormona en su cuerpo. Mantener las grasas suficientes saludables en tu dieta
tambin ayuda a recuperar tu apetito y tenerlo bajo control.
dieta dukan El dicho:
Despus de una dieta Si aqu, voy a enumerar lo que se dice qu es exactamente la mejor dieta para bajar de peso.

Probablemente no hay dieta ms popular en los ltimos tiempos que
la dieta de Atkins. El principio procesa incorrectamente los carbohidratos que consume.

El programa de Atkins se divide en tres fases. Dietas para emagrecer Incluso si una dieta extrema
funciona, puede causar problemas a largo plazo para la salud como la anorexia.

Tambina niveles dietas examinadas en el artculo siguiente, usted ser
capaz de hacer una mejor eleccin.

Dana said...

Oh so soft and pretty! I want to decorate now:)


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