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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Week of Flowers Day #4


This week has been full of beautiful blooms here on the DeNami blog. So far, we have featured tulips, roses, daffodils and today I'm showcasing the new iris stamp. So many pretty flowers, so few days! 


In the most recent release (which premiered on March 1st), we came out with lots of pretty garden stamps. I don't know about you, but seeing all these beautiful images is making me long for Spring weather. I have yet to see flowers blooming in chilly Washington- I'm hoping this changes very soon! 
Do you recognize these colors? They are the ones from the Color Challenge #9, which is still running. If you would like to participate (which we would love for you to do), you have until Monday. 

I will see you tomorrow for our next photo tutorial! 


Tina M said...

Too darling! I love how you have been making grass lately out of my favorite border punch...what a great idea. Hopefully you don't put away those flowers quite yet...can't wait to see more!

Ayana Posadas said...

This is so pretty! I love those flowers! I really like how you added the hint of glitter on the leaves too. Nice touch! :)

Cyndi S said...

Gorgeous card. Love the flowers.

Bethany Becker said...

I am loving all the flowers.

LykkeLee♔ said...

hei.thanks for your lovely comment.I am glad you liked it.inspiring when people like what i make and share.
much love to you


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